Do Not Just Exist, Live !

Ayşe Bora
3 min readDec 6, 2023

Life is like a dance of positive and negative moments, and finding that balance is just a part of the journey. However, at times, the people around us or the choices we make can shake this balance a bit, and we may feel like we’re in a maze. In such situations, some problems we feel may have a significant impact on the quality of our lives, and we might realize it a bit late. For example, we might expend more energy than we feel, lose our positive outlook, and find our inner balance may become challenging. Even if we can’t completely get rid of them, it’s possible to reduce these problems and restore balance.

“ Don’t spend your energy on worrying. Channel it into believing, creating, trusting, growing, glowing, and healing! ”

Let’s start by getting rid of the negative influences in our lives. Find a soothing environment (like your room, by the sea, or in a park) and jot down your inner thoughts on paper. Write down everything that comes to mind without overthinking. Rest assured, you’ll be the only one seeing these writings.

Firstly, focus on the negative influences in your life. List the names of everyone around you and write down a single word that describes the feeling they evoke in you (happiness, irritation, worthlessness). When your list is complete, review the problems and accept the things you can’t change. If you can’t completely remove these people from your life, consider setting boundaries to protect your mental well-being.

Later, free yourself from possessions and memories carrying negative energy in your life. These items could be related to an old relationship or a negative experience. The crucial point here is not allowing these objects to drag you into negative emotions. Getting rid of these possessions can be a form of cleansing and a ritual for a fresh start. The first step is to identify these items. Then, consider options like selling or donating them. If the items are suitable for recycling, environmentally friendly disposal is an option. This process is not just a physical cleanse but also an emotional liberation. Saying goodbye to the negative energy of items and memories can be the first step towards a new and positive beginning. This is not just about cleaning your physical space but also about cleansing your inner world.

Take a closer look at your social media usage; it’s crucial. Instead of immediately deleting or blocking pages and individuals that may dampen your mood, consider taking a subtler approach by muting them. Engage yourself in the things that bring you joy. Drawing comparisons between your life and the seemingly flawless lives portrayed on social media can be disheartening. It’s vital to remember that what people share online is just a glimpse into their lives. Embrace your unique story and take pride in your journey. Above all, prioritize your well-being. Direct your attention towards self-care, happiness, and inner peace, allowing you to harness the positive aspects of social media.

Remember, life is a learning process, and every problem comes with a solution. Good and bad experiences make us stronger. So, let’s continue playing our melody in the complex dance of life and find true happiness.



Ayşe Bora

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