A Recipe For Happiness

Ayşe Bora
2 min readOct 29, 2020


Have you ever wondered why happiness is so important to people? How does happiness affect a person’s life? The reasons for happiness change from person to person because their expectations are different. I think contentment is the key to happiness.

Photo by Aman Shrivastava on Unsplash

To start with, I believe our thoughts shape our lives. If people focus on being happy when they achieve their goals, they can easily feel happy. However, we sometimes have to struggle to achieve our goals. Never let challenges make you feel bad, never give up and refrain from negative thinking.

Moreover, relationships are linked to happiness; family, friends and loved ones are always important. Most people experience happiness in their family while they are growing up. Then we have friends with whom we spend much of our time and experience happy memories. And then there are romantic relationships! As most know, love is the most innocent emotion in the world. Who can stop smiling and feeling butterflies in the stomach when in love? And who doesn’t feel unhappy when they fail in romance. Always remember that we are all individuals and our relationships cannot be compared.

Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

Likewise, happiness doesn’t depend on people. Some other factors may play a role in being happy. For example, having a hobby can make people happy. When you improve yourself in something you enjoy doing, it is also a reason to be happy.

To sum up, happiness is the best emotion, but sometimes difficult to achieve. What matters is how you control or balance your mood. It is quite natural for people’s moods to switch between good and bad. If you are always optimistic, hopeful or content, you will manage to lead a happy life. Whenever you feel sad, you should remember that there are billions of cells in your body and all they care about is you!



Ayşe Bora

Hey There, I'm a translator, subtitle creator & content writer. I hope you enjoy my essays. If you want to connect me : ayseebora@hotmail.com Best Regards